1. 使用mac一个很直接的原因是iOS开发: 从App Store装完XCode9, 然后需要装xcode命令行: 从终端执行如下命令即可
xcode-select --install
2. 使用mac必装homebrew, 如下:
3. 安装brew cask: brew tap caskroom/cask
brew cask是增强版的brew, 所以以下命令有时用的brew, 找不到, 则用brew cask..官网为:https://caskroom.github.io/
比如可以用brew安装git, wget等工具: brew install git grc wget hub gist
# editorsbrew cask install atom # requires sudo to installbrew cask install sublime-text3brew cask install phpstorm# browsersbrew cask install google-chromebrew cask install google-chrome-canarybrew cask install firefoxbrew cask install firefox-aurora# developmentbrew cask install iterm2brew cask install sequel-probrew cask install sourcetreebrew cask install virtualboxbrew cask install vagrantbrew cask install vagrant-manager# IMsbrew cask install adiumbrew cask install hipchatbrew cask install skype# otherbrew cask install bettertouchtoolbrew cask install alfredbrew cask install dropboxbrew cask install evernotebrew cask install caffeinebrew cask install betterzipqlbrew cask install google-hangouts # requires sudo to installbrew cask install appcleaner#othersbrew tap homebrew/dupesbrew tap homebrew/versionsbrew tap homebrew/homebrew-phpbrew install mysqlbrew install php55 --with-imapbrew install php55-jsmin php55-xdebug php55-xhprofbrew install phpunit composer php-code-sniffer phpmd phpdocumentorbrew cask install java # requires sudo to installbrew install elasticsearch
4. 密码管理: KeePassX
5.8. CPU/MEM/流量监控: iStat Menus(需要最新的5.11版本)
9. 窗口管理: Moom (没什么用)
12. 外接屏幕 Dell P2416D:
13. 外接键盘: 机械键盘Filco 87圣手二代
14. 下载工具: 百度网盘mac版 2.2.0
15. 购物: 阿里旺旺mac版 16. 改键工具:set nocompatible " be iMproved, requiredfiletype off " required" set the runtime path to include Vundle and initializeset rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vimcall vundle#begin()" alternatively, pass a path where Vundle should install plugins"call vundle#begin('~/some/path/here')" let Vundle manage Vundle, requiredPlugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim'Plugin 'dracula/vim'" All of your Plugins must be added before the following linecall vundle#end() " requiredfiletype plugin indent on " required" To ignore plugin indent changes, instead use:"filetype plugin on"" Brief help" :PluginList - lists configured plugins" :PluginInstall - installs plugins; append `!` to update or just :PluginUpdate" :PluginSearch foo - searches for foo; append `!` to refresh local cache" :PluginClean - confirms removal of unused plugins; append `!` to auto-approve removal"" see :h vundle for more details or wiki for FAQ" Put your non-Plugin stuff after this lineset nusyntax oncolo dracula
:PluginInstall 参考: https://github.com/dracula/vim 19. 快速启动: Alfred (快捷键 Cmd Cmd), 用brew安装:brew cask install alfred20. 远程桌面: https://rink.hockeyapp.net/apps/5e0c144289a51fca2d3bfa39ce7f2b06/
21. 安装zsh: http://my.oschina.net/uniquejava/blog/487835 22. 终端:iTerm2 (快捷键 Ctl + `, 和atom editor的terminal plus插件保持了一致) 23. 五笔输入法:清歌输入法 (快捷键 Cmd + Space):详见: 24. VPN设置:https://github.com/fivesheep/chnroutes 25. 聊天:QQ, 微信, Skype 26. 文档:Microsoft Office 2016 for mac 三件套,29. gif录像:
30. 游戏:
Warcraft III (1.24 / 1.26) 淘宝上5元可以买到下载地址-能完美运行. 网易的 `梦幻西游2` 有mac客户端, 可以运行在mac osx上(赞)31. Firefox插件:
1) Download YouTube Videos as MP4 (下载必备) 2) DownloadThemAll (下载必备) 3) RESTClient 2.0 (测试必备) 4) FoxyProxy Standard (FQ必备) 5) WebToPDF (一键导出PDF) 6) Print Edit (最强导出PDF, 没有搞不定的页面) Print Edit > Web Styles > Preview > Print> Appearance: keep bgcolor and keep bg image > headers: all set to blank > footers: only keep page numbers > save as PDF.7) 点击Chrome上的File > Print: pager size选Tabloiad, options勾上headers and footers,background graphics最后点上面的save按钮就能将一个很长的web page原样保存到pdf.
8). Markdown Here 2.12.0 32. 设置alias: (添加如下内容到~/.bash_profile或~/.zshrc中) 参考:Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, RESTful API (Learn Backbone.js Tutorial by Building an App (4_6)!) 第8分58秒alias prof='sub ~/.bash_profile'alias ll='ls -FGlAhp'cd() {builtin cd "$@"; ll;}alias cd..='cd ..'alias ..='cd ..'alias ...='cd ../../'alias .2='cd ../../'alias .3='cd ../../../'alias .4='cd ../../../../'alias .5='cd ../../../../../'alias .6='cd ../../../../../../'alias f='open -a Finder ./'alias ~='cd ~'alias h='cd ~'alias c='clear'sub(){ open $1 -a "Sublime Text"}gc() { open $1 -a "Google Chrome"}
33. APP原型设计工具: Sketch 3.7.2
34. UML图: OmniGraffle 6.2.535. Open terminal here(2017新增): https://github.com/jbtule/cdto